ToppaToons 2023

 Frank Toppa



You Tube: Toppa's You Tube

Cell- 781-856-8991


Box 888 (5 Candlewick Road)

S.Orleans, 02662

Current Positions

- Chatham Elementary School 2019-present Teacher Page:

- Truro Central [Elementary] School 2022-present

- U U  Meeting House of Chatham Music Director (Choir/Organ) 2009 -present


Current Cape Cod Connections

Cape Community Orchestra 2020- present

Falmouth Chamber Players 2020-present

Chatham Town Band 2015- present  Chatham Town Band

Harwich Town Band 2021-present Harwich Town Band

Sound Dunes Big Band 2020- present Sound Dunes Big Band

Sentimental Journey Swing Band 2018


- Belmont Day School General Music, Choral, Theater, Guitar, Handbells, Instrumental 1999- 2022

-Star Island IRAS Artificial Intelligence Conference  Music Director 2018


Master of Music in Musicology- Boston University 2003

Master of Music Ed. Organ- U-Mass Amherst 1991

Bachelor of Music Ed. Choral- Hartt College 1975

Mass Teachers Licensure

#230292 Music:Vocal/Instrumental/General, k-12 Professional

Former Cape Cod Connections

Cape Cod Symphony 1976-1978 & 1981-1982,

Federated Church of Orleans- Organist, Choir and Handbell Director, 1976-1983

Our Lady of the Cape,  Christian Science Chatham- part time  organist1977-1983

Chatham Chorale and Wellfleet Cantores member 1976-1978

Highlanders, Harwich Junior Theater, Arena Theater- Musician 1975-1980

Palio Pizzeria Accordion/Voice & my son Isaac Fluegelhorn/Voice 2008-2010

Past Teaching

Brookline Public Schools- Choral, Musical Theater, and General Music

Teacher Heath School (Gr.3-8) 1991-1997

Amherst/ Pelham Elementary Schools

Choral, Musical Theater and General Music Teacher 1988-1991

Deerfield Public Schools

Instrumental, Choral and General Music Teacher 1986-1988

Sandwich Schools

Band and Instrumental Teacher- Wing Elementary 1983

Nauset Regional Schools

Nauset Middle- Orchestra Director, Guitar Instructor

1983-1984, & 1975-1978

Nauset High- Chorus, Junior Band, asst. Musical Theater

Director 1975-1978

Marconi School- (Sped) General Music (gr3-6) 1978-1985

Nauset Adult Education Guitar Classes 1984

Higher Education

Graduate assistant to Dr. Emilio Ross Fabregas & Dr. Lisa Urkevich and assistant

conductor Collegium Musicum B.U.1998-2000




Philosophy of Music course study-under Roger Scruton B.U. Fall 1993

Voice and Music Therapy course study Lesley Spring 1994

Past Choral/ Organ

Cape Cod

Federated Church of Orleans- Organist, Choir, Handbell Director, 1976-1983

Our Lady of the Cape Brewster, First Parish Brewster, Christian

Science Churches of Chatham and Brewster- part time organist 1977-1983

Chatham Chorale and Wellfleet Cantores member 1976-1978 


Music Director First Baptist Church of Arlington 2000-2001/ 2005-2009

Choir Director and Organist St. John's Episcopal Church 1992-1997

First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church

Children's Choir Director (plus Handbells) 1993-1997

Park Avenue Congregational Church 1994 (interim)

Ottoson Middle School Chorus accompanist 2000-2007

Arlington-Belmont Chorale accompanist 2006-2007

Choral productions include: Vivaldi Gloria, Handel

Messiah, Schubert Masses, Faure Requiem, Bach Coffee Cantata.

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Choir Director, Organist, and Handbell Director Unitarian Universalist

Society of Amherst 1985-1988

Sinai Temple, Springfield- Zimbria Choral Festival Pianist, Musical

Theater Director, Organ Sub, and Accordionist for family folk

dances 1988-1991

Music Director Bach Secular Cantata Program- Amherst 1987

High School & Undergraduate Years

Dionne Warwicke Vocal Scholarship- Hartt 1971-1975

Hartt College Chorale, Chamber Singers, Collegium Musicum 1971-1975

Newport Tunes and Talents Vocal Scholarship 1968

Ted Mack Amateur Hour Vocal Performance 1970

Private Vocal Study age 8 through college

Musical Theater

Adult and school productions includeAnne of Green Gables,

Oliver, Sound of Music, Guys and Dolls, Man of La Mancha (ACTE

Award for best musical), South Pacific, The Unsinkable Molly Brown,

Brigadoon, Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Romeo

and Juliet, West Side Story, The Diary of Anne Frank, Annie. Music

Man, Fiddler, Wizard of Oz

Cape Cod

Director for Cape Cod's Highlanders, Chatham Drama Guild,

Barnstable Comedy Club, Springfield’s Sinai Temple

Ottoson Middle School musicals 2000-2007

String Bassist for numerous Musical Theater Productions


String Bass

Cape Cod Symphony 1976-1978 &  1981-1982,

Arlington Philharmonic 1992- 2006 Amherst Five College Orchestra 1990-1991, Pioneer Valley Symphony 1985-1988, Civic Arena Theater 1986-1988, Valley Light Opera 1985, Cape Cod Symphony 1976-1978 &

1981-1982, Woods Hole Summer Chorus 1982, Lower Cape Contra

Dance Ensemble1982-1984, R. I. Youth Orchestra 1970-1971

John Phillip Souza Award 1971

Piano Accompanist for Amherst Ballet 1985-1987, Harwich High & Middle Schools, Eastham Elementary, Chatham Youth Chorale 1980-1982

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Community Work

Throughout my professional musical life, I have maintained an active musical role as a volunteer in my community, working for groups such as Senior Citizens, the Blind, the Public Schools, Children, and Peace Organizations,

Amherst Seniors Handbell Choir Director, Bang Center 1986-1987,

Accompanist Belchertown Senior Citizen's Center 1986

Oakhill School for the Blind Hartford 1974-1975,

Public School Choral accompanist and Musical Theater Director Arlington 2000-2007

Current and former memberships


Vocal Background

Voice Soloist on The Ted Mack Amateur Hour

Bachelor of Music Ed. in Choral Music, Hartt College of Music

Dionne Warwicke Voice Scholarship

High School Choral Director, Nauset Schools 1975-77

Church Choir Director, Federated Church of Orleans, Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst, St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Choral Director Bach Secular Kaffee Cantata

Choral Works Directed- Vivaldi Gloria, Handel Messiah, Schubert Mass, Bach Coffee Cantata.

Musical Theater Director on Cape Cod, Amherst, and Brookline-

Guys and Dolls, Oliver, Sound of Music, Anne of Greene Gables, South Pacific, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Man Of La Mancha.

Instrumental Background

String Teacher Nauset Regional Middle School 1975-77 1980-1981

Instrumental teacher Wing Elementary School 1980

Instrumental teacher Deerfield Schools 1985- 1987

String Bassist with the Cape Cod Symphony, Pioneer Valley Symphony, Five College Symphony, Arlington Philharmonic.

String Bassist for Theater productions on Cape Cod and Pioneer Valley.

String Bassist with various chamber groups.

String Bassist with local orchestras including Arlington Philharmonic

1992-1999, Amherst Five College Orchestra1990-1991, Pioneer

Valley Symphony 1985-1988, Cape Cod Symphony 1976-1982


My undergraduate music education degree was in High School Choral directing, and my student teaching was with the Avon (Conn.) High School Chorus. My first position was teaching High School Chorus in the Nauset Regional School System. During that time I was assistant Musical Theater director with the Drama Coach.

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Unitarian Universalist Affiliations

First Parish Unitarian Universalist Arlington, Ma. 1991-2006

Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst1985 -1991

First Parish Unitarian Universalist Brewster 1982-1985

U.U. Conferences- General assembly 1985- 1993, 1999

Performed at several General Assemblies

U U Musician's Network Conference- Milwaulkee

Participated in field testing of Singing the Living Tradition

Organist for Peter Fleck’s ordination

Star Island IRAS Conference1985-2006 organist and choir director during

some weeks.

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